Difference Between Private Cord Blood Banking Vs. Public Donation
Cord blood banking has emerged as a recent phenomenon fueled by the increase in awareness amongst parents. The blood is collected from the umbilical cord and placenta after it is clamped and cut. It is a reservoir of life-giving stem cells that can aid in the treatment of numerous ailments.
However, due to lack of awareness traditionally this blood was discarded as medical waste. Now the parents can choose to store these precious cells with a cord blood bank.
However, before you register with a stem cell bank of your choice, you need to understand the difference between types of cord blood banks and what it means to choose one of them.
Private cord blood bank vs. public donation
1. Ownership and control
When you chose to store the cord blood of your child with a private bank, you retain the ownership and you control the uses of these cells. The bank stores the cells on your behalf. It is the responsibility of the Private Cord Blood Bank to ensure the viability of these cells and to make them available at the time and place of transfusion.
However, when you donate the cord blood of your child to a public cord blood bank you do not retain any ownership or control over these cells. The bank can choose to use the cells as per their discretion.
2. Cost
The storage of stem cells involves processing the cord blood to obtain the cells. The stem cells are then transported for lab testing and cryogenically frozen for future usage. The entire process requires the cord blood bank to maintain optimum temperature and condition for both transportation and storage of these cells. Hence, cord blood banking is an expensive procedure.
If you chose a private cord blood bank for your child, you need to cover these expenses. The cost of storing the cord blood of your child with a private bank involves spending a large amount of money. You need to pay a registration fee, along with periodic payment for storage of these cells with a reliable Private Cord Blood Bank.
These charges are not covered by any insurance. However, with an affordable private cord blood bank of $19.99/month, you can store the stem cells of your child without disrupting your financial budget.
The donation to a public bank does not involve any charges. Before childbirth, you need to complete the registration process with a public bank. Also, you need to ensure that the public bank can make arrangements for the collection of cord blood at the hospital of your choice.
3. Usage
Stem cells stored with a private bank can be used by your child in case of future medical emergencies. The samples are kept for the exclusive use of your family. The cells can be used by your newborn, their siblings, or other family members.
However, when you donate the samples to a public bank, you cannot get them back even when you need them in the future. You also lose control over who uses these cells and when. The stem cells can be used for a transplant if a compatible match is found. Hence, your child’s cord blood can help provide someone with a gift of life. However, the samples can also be used for research to aid in medical advancements.
4. The collection procedure
The process of collection is similar for both banks. After you register with a public or private bank, the bank makes all the arrangements for the collection, processing, and storage of these cells.
The process does not interfere with pregnancy and childbirth in any way. Also, it does not put the mother or the child at any health risk. Some public banks can also accept mail-in donations.
These are some of the differences between a private and a public cord blood bank. Now that you are well aware of these differences, you can make an informed choice and secure the future health of your child.
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