Why Banking Umbilical Cord Blood Should Be on Your “To Do” List

Umbilical cord blood is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta after childbirth. For a very long-time, people were unaware of the tremendous potential of cord blood. Hence, the blood was considered medical waste and discarded post-delivery.

With increased awareness and guidance from health care providers, new parents are realizing the numerous benefits of umbilical cord blood banking.

The cord blood is a reservoir of lifesaving stem cells and can help your child in any future medical needs. The process of cord blood banking is non-invasive, convenient, and painless.

The stem cell bank makes all the arrangements for the collection, processing, and storage of cord blood. Also, an affordable cord blood bank with just $19.99/month ensures the viability and availability of stem cells at the time of transfusion.

However, till today, people fail to bank cord blood with a public or private bank. Cord blood has numerous benefits and should be preserved at all costs. Let us discuss cord blood banking in detail and look at a few reasons why banking umbilical cord blood should be on your to-do list.

1) Acts as a biological insurance for your child

Cord blood transfusion can help your child in battle against numerous diseases. At present, it can treat around eighty rare diseases. It can help in the treatment of blood disorders, immune deficiency, sickle cell anemia, and many types of cancers.

Hence, it serves as a biological insurance for your newborn’s future health and wellbeing. However, you need to bank your child’s stem cell with a private bank that takes care of the storage, viability, and accessibility for future usage.

2) Possess regenerative properties

As mentioned earlier, cord blood is rich in hematopoietic stem cells. These cells can morph into cells of any kind and has regenerative properties.

Hence, a stem cell transfusion can be helpful to provide a boost to the immune system and supply your body with healthy cells required for quick recovery.

3) Future therapeutic and medicinal potential

Umbilical cord blood banking can be helpful in the treatment of various diseases. Also, there is immense potential for the future medical usage of stem cells.

All over the world, scientists and researchers are searching for ways in which stem cells can treat other diseases. Some of these diseases are considered incurable. The long list of ailments that can benefit from cord blood banking includes cerebral palsy, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, and autism.

4) Benefits for Siblings and other family members

When you chose umbilical cord blood banking for your child, you secure their future, as well as the future of their biological siblings and other family members. If you have a family history of rare diseases where a stem cell transfusion can be helpful, you need to store the stem cells of your child with a private bank.

The private cord blood bank stores the cord blood exclusively for your usage. Hence, it will be available if your other child or family member requires it.

If one of the parents is adopted, it becomes difficult to accurately know the medical history of a child. In such a case, umbilical cord blood banking serves as a preventive measure for future ailments.

5) Donation to public banks

Umbilical cord blood banking should be on your to-do list even when you do not wish to store the stem cells of your child with a private bank. You can donate the cord blood to a public bank. The cord blood can be used to save the life of a potential match. Also, it can be used for medical research, ultimately contributing to the medical advancement and greater good of humankind.

These are some of the reasons why umbilical cord blood banking should be on your to-do list. Cord blood is a valuable medical asset that should not be wasted. Hence, you must store the stem cells of your child with a private or public cord blood bank.

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